

1 0 0 天突破高考3 5 0 0 必备词汇答案 Key to Day 1 1. aboard; abroad 2. absorbed; absent from; absence 3. accent; absolutely 4. accepted; accept 5. access; accessible 6. account; accomplish 7. accurate 8. accounted 9. accident; accidentally 10. able; ability Key to Day 2 1. accused of 2. achieve nothing 3. admirable; admire; achievements 4. action; adapt 5. active; activities 6. actors; actresses; adds up to 7. accustomed; addition; addicted 8. address; management 9. addressed; add; actual; address 10. Actually; acts as Key to Day 3 1. advised; in advance; advice 2. advantage; adventures 3. afraid; afford; affair 4. agree; agreement 5. affected; after all 6. affection; advertisements 7. affairs 8. against 9. agent; after; ages 10. Africa; African Key to Day 4 1. were aimed at; in the open air 2. aid; lend your aid 3. almost alike; alike 4. allow him to stay out; allow smoking 5. airport; by air/plane; alone 6. in all; ahead of 7. ahead of time; go ahead 8. to be left alone 9. along with; Above all; alive 10. alcohol; up in the air; let alone Key to Day 5 1. had no alternative/choice but to 2. in amazement; amazed; amazing 3. a large amount of 4. Although 5. Among; ambassador 6. amounted to; ambition 7. with anger; animals 8. angry with; angrily 9. amusements; amuse 10. is always complaining about Key to Day 6 1. announced;to 2. was annoyed with;for/at 3. another 4. anxious for 5. Apart from 6. if anything 7. apologized to; for being absent from 8. appealed to 9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite for Key to Day 7 1. appreciate it; make/fix an appointment 2. architect; covers an area of 3. ar...

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