1-04 - Susan 不小心纵火烧掉邻居的房子 Susan played with fire.. - 不是我的量杯 That's not my cup. 可能会弄伤自己的 And could get burned. 去做个spa或者去购物想办法让自己放松一下 Go to a spa, go shopping. Find a way to relax. Gabrielle 找到了一个性伴侣 Gabrielle found herself a playmate Lynette 实 在 没 办 法 控 制 她 那 两 个 调 皮 捣 蛋 的 孩 子 Lynette couldn't get her kids to stop playing. 夫人,你现在知道我为何要你停车吗? Do you know why I pulled you over? 我有原因的 I have theory. 我无法很快入睡,我睡完之后还是觉得精疲力尽 If I don't get some sleep, I'll be forced back upstairs out of exhuastion. Bree 采取了强硬的态度 And Bree played hard ball. 每个人都有自己的杀手锏 Everyone has a little dirty laundry. 我活着的时候,我有不同的身份 When I was alive, I maintained many different indentities. 情人,妻子,最后成为牺牲者 Lover, wife and, untimately victim. 是的,标签对活着的人非常重要 Yes, lables are important to the living. 标签决定了人们该如何看待自己 They dictate how people see themselves. 就像我的朋友Lynette 那样以前她给自己的定位就是职业女性 Like my friend Lynette, she used to see herself as a career woman. 她确实在事业上很成功 and a hugely sucessful one. 现在她的成功来自美味的午餐精致的留言贴 She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations 还来自于毫不留情的和屋里的脏乱做斗争 and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition. 她放弃她的事业就是为了另一个标签 But lynette gave up her career to assume a new label. 为 了 成 为 一 个 合格的 全职家庭主妇 The incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother. 这是 Scavo 家 Scavo residence. 是,是我 Yes, this is me. 很不幸对 Lynette 而言这个新角色并不像所宣称的那样容易扮演 But, unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised. 他们...