Lingu istics' notes 第一周 Chapter 1 Introduction . 1. Definition of language *Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Language is a system. Language is arbitrary. Language is vocal. Language is human-specific. 2. Design features of language Arbitrariness 任意性 Productivity 多产性 Duality 双重性 Displacement 移位性 Cultural transmission 文化传播性 3. Functions of language(Halliday) The ideational 概念功能 to organize language user's experience of the word. The interpersonal 人际功能 to establish/maintain social relationship. The textual 语篇功能 to organize texts in a coherent and appropriate way. 第二周 1. Definition of linguistics *Linguistics studies not any particular language, but it studies languages in general.----general linguistics. Scientific study of language. 2. The branches of linguistics Phonetics 语音学--the study of how speech sounds are produced and classified @研究发音,自然属性,无序的语音 Phonology 音系学--the study of how sounds form systems and functions to convey meaning @研究音间联系,注重功能,有序的语音 Morphology 形态学、词法--the study of the form off words @涉及词语的内部组织,研究词语的最小单位-语素 Sy ntax 句法学--the study of how words and phrases are combined to form sentences @研究如何组词成句,形成、理解正确的句子 Semantics 语义学--the study of meaning(in abstraction) @研究词语的意义如何在语音中编码 Pragmatics 语用学--the study of meaning in context of use @特定情景中的特定话语的理解和运用 Historical linguistics 历史语言学--the study of language change. Sociolinguistics 社会语言学--the study of language with reference to society Psycholinguistics 心理语言学--the study of language with reference to the work...