Introdu ction to Base Oil 基础油介绍Base oil is the name given to lubrication grade oils initially produced from refining crude oil(mineral base oil) or through chemical synthesis (synthetic base oil). Base oil is typicallydefined as oil with a boiling point range between 550 and 1050 F, consisting of hydrocarbonswith 18 to 40 carbon atoms. This oil can be either paraffinic or naphthenic in naturedepending on the chemical structure of the molecules.润滑油的基础原料被称为基础油,由原油精炼(矿物油)或是通过化学合成(合成油)而制得。基础油是通常的沸点范围在 550-1050 华氏度(摄氏度约 300-550)之间。由18-40个碳原子的碳氢化合物组成。依据自然的分子化学结构划分,它可以是石蜡基或环烷基。Base stocks are classified into various grades including Neutral, Solvent Neutral, BrightStocks, The most common names are for group I (SN: Solvent Neutral), for group II (N:Neutrals) and group III grade names refer to the viscosity (4cst, 6cst, 8cst …).基础油料分成各种不同类别,包括中性油,溶剂中性油,光亮油, 大多数一类油以 SN命名,如 150SN,500SN,以及 150BS,二类油以 N 命名,如 150N,500N,600N,三类油则按粘度命名:如 4cst ,6cst,8cst。UNDERSTANDING BASE OIL 认识基础油Base Oils 基础油Lubricants have been around since ancient times. The Petroleum-based Lubricants businessstarted in mid 1800’s. The initial processing was limited to separation by boiling point.Most people know the key driver of the production for lubricants are Base Oils.润滑油大约始于古代。石油类的润滑油贸易开始于 19 世界中期。最初的通过沸点分离的处理方法是有限的。大多数人都知道这一生产润滑油基础油的关键程序。Mineral Base OilModern mineral base oils are the result of a long and complex distillation and refiningprocesses. The feedstock used is crude oil. This substance is not of uniform quality butconsists of several thousands ...