The Race into Space 太空旅游大比拼 American millionaire Dennis Tito will always be famous. He was the first tourist in space. "1 spent sixty years on Earth and eight days in space and from my viewpoint, it was two separate lives," Tito explained. He loved his time in space. "Being in space and looking back at earth is one of the most rewarding experiences a human being can have."美国百万富翁Dennis Tito 将会永留史册。他是第一位进入太空的游客。“我在地球上生活了六十年,在太空呆了八天。在我看来,这是两种截然不同的生活,” Tito 解释道。 他很享受他在太空的日子。“在太空里回看地球是一个人一生中最值得的一次经历。” This kind of experience isn't cheap. It cost $20 million. However, Tito achieved his dream, so he was happy. "For me it was a life dream. It was a dream that began when I didn't have any money," he told reporters.这样的一种经历并不便宜,它(太空之旅)花费了tito2000 万美金。然而,tito 实现了自己的梦想,所以他很开心。“对我来说(到太空旅行)是我一生的梦想,从我没有钱的时候就开始有的一个梦想,”他对记者说。 On 30 April 2002, Mark Shuttleworth became the world's second space tourist.2002 年 4 月 30 日,mark shuttleworth 成为世界上第二位进行太空之旅的游客。 Shuttleworth is a South African businessman. At the age of twenty-eight, he also paid $20 million for the eight-day trip.Shuttleworth 是南非的一位商人。在他28 岁时,他也花费了2000 万美元进行了一次为期八天的太空之旅。 Both Tito and Shuttleworth bought their tickets from a company called Space Adventures. The company has around 100 people already on their waiting list for flights into space. The spaceship to take them doesn't exist yet.Tito和Shuutleworth 都是从同一家叫做太空探险的公司里买的旅行票。这家公司已经有大约 100 位人预订了游票等待着他们的太空飞行。尽管运载他们的飞船现在还存在。 Many of the customers are peo...