Suits 诉讼双雄 S1E6 人人双语字幕 哈维 我可不想引起游行或是上头版我只要有人对此事负责 Harvey, I don't need a perp walk or a front page headline. I just want the person responsible. 那就同意我们协商过的条件你也可以秉公执法了 Then hand me the deal we just negotiated and justice will be served. 你知道么 除了你以外任何一个人我都不会在这儿跟他礼貌地会面 You know what, if this were anyone else but you, I wouldn't even be giving the courtesy of this meeting. 贝琪 这对我们都有好处你无法追究我的当事人我帮你抓到相关责任人我们何不这么做呢 Becky, we're both benefiting from this. You've got nothing on my client. And I'm gonna help you get the person responsible. So why don't we just go do that? 你最好保证斯通小姐会签下这个否则 这笔交易就不算数了我们认识多久了 You better make sure Miss Stone signs this. Otherwise, we don't have a deal. How long have we known each other? 从你进地检办公室起 Since you were in the D.A.'s office. 那你该很清楚 交易必定达成 Then you know we'll have a deal. 再联系 Talk to you. 司法部那边怎么样了 How'd it go with the department of justice? 跟我来 你会知道的 Follow me, you'll find out. 我可以进去听了 I get to sit in? 只要你低着头 把嘴闭紧 With your head down and your mouth shut. 这可不是通常的... This isn't a usual-- -你做什么呢 -快 - What are you doing? - Quick. 假装你在跟我说重要的事 Act like you're telling me something important. 我本来就在说重要的事 I am telling you something important. 指令发布之后 And then after the injunction, 双方都同意重新评估... You know, both parties decided to reassess-- 我的天跟瑞秋一起的那个女人我几年前替她考过法学院入学考试她要是看见我 肯定会揭穿我 My god. That woman with Rachel, I took the LSATs for her a couple years ago. If she saw me, she could blow my cover. 真的吗 那会是何场景啊"打扰...