考 研 英 语 一 真 题 原 文 及 答 案 解 析 完 整 版 Part A Text 1 As a Canadian, I am ashamed of Canada’s commercial seal slaughter. Humane Society International’s campaign to end the commercial seal slaughter seeks to increase worldwide understanding of Canada’s annual seal hunt and create pressure that will result in government action to end the slaughter. The Canadian Government needs to end the seal hunt now. More than one million seals have been killed in the past five years alone, and according to Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the demand for seal products is diminishing greatly, with 35 countries banning seal product imports. The commercial seal hunt is a dying industry in Canada that relies heavily on government subsidies. Taxpayers’ money should be directed to industries that are sustainable and do not rely on the cruel slaughter of animals. The argument that seals have to be killed to protect fish populations is unfounded. Studies have shown that the larger marine predators that feed on seals have a stronger impact on fish populations than seals themselves. In addition, Canada’s own Department of Fisheries and Oceans has said that there is no evidence to suggest seals are the cause of fish stock decline. There are better alternatives to the commercial seal slaughter. The Canadian Government should invest in the development of a sealing industry that focuses on non-lethal alternatives such as ecotourism, which would benefit local communities and bring in much-needed revenue without 考 研 英 语 一 真 题 原 文 及 答 案 解 析 完 整 版 --第 1页考 研 英 语 一 真 题 原 文 及 答 案 解 析 完 整 版 --第 1页the cruelty associated with the seal hunt. This w...