传播视角下的微博舆情管理Micro-blog public opinion management from the perspective of communicationI摘 要微博这一新时代自媒体在社会大舆论环境中扮演着越来越重要的角色,微博进入大众的传播世界,发挥着无与伦比的作用,也承担着所应有的社会责任和义务,也理应受到政府及相关部门的监管。本文着手于微博舆情的内容、微博舆情的管理策略等多方面,关注舆情的走向与发展,力求对搭建可以操作的的、科学理性化的微博舆情管理运行机制进行探讨。试图以一个传播学的角度研究微博舆情基本管理策略,为全面和整体认识微博以及微博舆情管理开启一个新的领域,以便更好地认识现实中微博及微博舆情的特点,并对其他相关研究提供基础管理认知和实践及理论借鉴。关键词:微博 微博舆情 舆情管理 引导策略IIWeibo this new era of the media in the social public opinion environment plays a more and more important role, the spread of weibo to enter the public world, plays an incomparable role, also bear the social responsibility and obligation should be, also deserve a government regulation and the relevant departments.This paper focuses on the content of the microblogging public opinion, microblogging public opinion management strategy in many aspects, such as pay attention to the direction of public opinion to the development, strive to build can operation, scientific and rational microblogging public opinion management operation mechanism were discussed. Tried to from the perspective of communication studies basic management, microblogging public opinion for our comprehensive understanding and overall weibo and open a new train of thought, microblogging public opinion management in order to better understand the reality of the characteristics of weibo and microblogging public opinion, and the other related studies provide cognitive and management based on practice and theory reference. Key words: micro-blog Public sentiment Public opinion management ...