传播学角度浅析韩剧所塑造的韩国国家形象摘 要国家形象,一个具有深层次含义的词语,是一个国家历史、文化、政治、经济、社会发展的一个展现体,具有很大的影响力,是一个国家综合实力的展现。提到国家形象,总是很自然的想到大众传媒,因为每一个国家,每个地方,都会通过大众传媒来宣传,并且一定程度上对外塑造自己的国家形象。之所以首先提到“国家形象”这个词,是因为今天笔者想和你们一起来探讨一下关于近几年一直很受欢迎的韩剧给他们的国家形象造成了哪些影响?我们在荧屏上看到的韩国跟我们的国家电视剧有什么相似和不同之处?韩国电视剧突飞猛进的发展对他们国家的经济,政治,文化等各方面产生了怎样的影响?从电视剧当中我们更深的了解他国,也是帮助我们国家更好的发展的一个渠道,我们去发现他们的亮点,来弥补我们的缺憾,去发现他们的缺点,来警醒我们。从韩剧的本身,来思考,我们的国产剧应该怎么更好的改善,提高,充实之后产生更好的效果,传播让观众竖起大拇指的作品,这是我们一直追逐的目标。关键词:大众传媒;韩剧;国家形象;AbstractNational image, the one who has a profound meaning of words, for a nation's history, culture, political, economic and social development of a body, has a great influence, is an expression of a nation's comprehensive strength.The nation image, always naturally think of the mass media, because of each country, each place, through the mass media to promote, and to some extent, foreign state of their own image.The first mention of the word \"national image\" because today I want to come with you to discuss about in recent years has been a popular Korean dramas to image what impact their country?The South Korea with us we see on the screen of what are the similarities and differences between national television?South Korean TV series by leaps and bounds in the development of their country's economy, politics, culture and so on various aspects what effect?Our deeper understanding of other countries from the TV series, but also help the be...