摘 要钢结构企业是一类特殊的企业。企业的前场是安装和施工,类似于工程企业后场是加工制造,类似于制造业。但它和工程企业相比,工程企业没有生产制造。和制造业相比,制造业没有工程,而且制造业基本都是定型产品的制造,而钢结构企业的生产制造都是按照客户需求进行的个性化设计制作。本文以上海川崎钢结构企业为研究对象,根据钢结构企业的特点介绍该企业现有的仓储管理状况以及企业仓储管理过程中的 ERP 的使用,进一步发现现有仓储管理过程中存在的问题,最后针对仓储管理中的问题提出改进建议。关键词:钢结构企业;仓储管理;ERP;具体应用 IAbstractSteel structure enterprise is a special kind of enterprise. Enterprise's frontcourt is installation and construction, similar to engineering companies. The back is a processing and manufacturing, is similar to manufacturing. But it compared with engineering companies, engineering companies have no production. Compared with manufacturing, manufacturing engineering, and manufacturing are basic finalize the design product manufacturing, and manufacturing of steel structure enterprise are made according to customer demand for personalized design. This paper, taking Shanghai kawasaki steel structure enterprise as the research object, according to the characteristics of the steel structure enterprise introduction of warehouse management present situation of the enterprise and the use of ERP in the process of enterprise warehouse management, further found that the existing warehouse management problems that exist in the process, problems in warehouse management, at last put forward Suggestions for improvement.Key words: Steel structure enterprise ; Warehouse management ; Enterprise Resource Planning; Economic benefits II目 录 摘 要…………………………………………………………………1Abstract…………………………………………………………………21.目的及意义……………………………………………………………12.文献综述...