摘要在我国,玉米的需求量很大,播种质量的好坏是玉米产量高低的重要因素。我国的播种机主要是通过机械式链条传动,其动力来自于播种机的地轮与地面的摩擦阻力,播种机的传动结构包含链轮、链条、齿轮、轴和张紧装置等,由于传动部件较多,整体传动比难以保证,导致了传动的准确率大大降低。当种植株距发生变化时,链轮与链条需要手动拆换,即耗时又耗力。随着机械技术的发展,调速装置被广泛应用,但是并不能实现无级调速,而且机械部件都具有一定的寿命,改变传动比之后更加难以保证传动的准确性。要想解决以上问题就要改变传统的机械传动结构,本文采用电力驱动式精密排种器结构。其工作原理依靠传感器来传递地轮移动信息到单片机,然后由单片机控制排种器的转速进行排种。这样就省去了复杂的机械结构,而且通过C 语言的程序编写、改变参数就可以改变播种的株距要求,实现无级调速。其动力来源由步进电机提供。这样的传动系统性能可靠、作业质量更加精确。关键字:电力驱动 玉米播种机 精密播种机AbstractIn China, the demand for corn is very large, and the quality of sowing is an important factor in the output of corn. The planter in China is mainly driven by a mechanical chain, and its power comes from the frictional resistance between the ground wheel and the ground of the planter. Many, the overall transmission ratio is difficult to guarantee, resulting in a greatly reduced accuracy of the transmission. When the plant spacing changes, the sprocket and chain need to be manually replaced, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. With the development of mechanical technology, speed regulating devices are widely used, but can not achieve stepless speed regulation, and the mechanical components have a certain life, it is more difficult to ensure the accuracy of the transmission after changing the transmission ratio. In order to solve the above problems, the traditional mechanical transmission structure needs to be changed. In this paper, the structure of an electric-driven prec...