本科论文摘 要近几年,电动自行车飞速发展,从道路上的自行车车流可以看出。电动自行车成为必不可少的交通工具之一,电动自行车对于当代人来说。具有比传统自行车更多的优势,它具有敏捷,快速,便利等特点,由此受到当代人的喜爱但这种趋势很容易让人们忽视其潜在的风险,电动自行车导致交通事故、引发火灾事故、造成环境污染,本文结合目前现行的法律法规并通过列举北京、深圳的实践经验综合分析目前电动自行车在各地立法不统一、道路规划不合理等并结合背后的原因,提出了立法层面、严格监管、道路空间、安全教育、增加安全设备等解决措施。关键词:交通事故、引发火灾事故、造成环境污染、立法层面、严格监管、道路空间安全教育、增加安全设备本科论文AbstractIn recent years, electric bicycles have developed rapidly, which can be seen from the traffic flow of bicycles on the road. Electric bicycle has become an indispensable means of transportation, electric bicycle for contemporary people. Has more advantages than the traditional bicycle, it is sensitive, fast and convenient wait for a characteristic, which are popular in the modern age, but the trend is easy to let people ignore the potential risks, electric bicycles cause traffic accidents, fire accidents, environmental pollution, this paper combining the current laws and regulations and by listing the experience of Beijing, shenzhen, comprehensive analysis of the current electric bicycle in legislation is not unified, path planning is not reasonable, and combined with the reasons behind, put forward the legislative level, strict regulation, road space, the increase safety education, safety equipment and solutions.Key words : Traffic accidents, fire accidents, environmental pollution, legislation, strict supervision, road space, safety education, increase of safety equipment本科论文目录一、 规范城市电动自行车管理的必要性.......................................1(一)电动自行车已成为交通事故的一大根源..........