北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业设计FSC 大学生方程式赛车悬架设计与研究北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业设计FSC 大学生方程式汽车悬架设计与研究摘 要悬架的系统设计与优化,是汽车总体设计中极其重要的一个环节。本设计以北京理工大学珠海学院 FSC 车队 2020 年赛车悬架系统的结构设计为研究目标,主要进行了几个方面的研究工作。本设计结合赛事规则要求,先确定设计思路,对轮距、轴距、前后悬架立柱等相关部件进行计算与设计,分析车轮定位参数对赛车性能的影响,在确定采用不等长双横臂式悬架结构后,选择弹性元件、减振器、导向机构与其他元件的类型,确保其符合赛车悬架设计的相关原则,并利用 CATIA 软件对其中重要元件进行三维建模设计,最后,基于 ADAMS 仿真平台,建立赛车悬架的运动学仿真模型,对其进行仿真分析,得到悬架参数模型后,对初选参数进行结果分析,并利用 ADAMS 对悬架参数进行优化。关键词:大学生方程式赛车;悬架系统;结构设计;仿真优化北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业设计北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业设计Design and Study of Suspension for a FSC CarAbstractThe design and optimization of suspension system is an essential part of the overall design for a race car. This design takes the suspension system of FSC race car designed by the race team ,which is from Beijing institute of technology, Zhuhai, as the research objective. The the design mainly work in several aspects. This design was based on the competition rules of FSC. The calculation of the wheel track and spread of axles as well as the design of some related components including the front and rear suspension column have been conducted after a clear idea of the design had been made. The next step is the analysis of wheel alignment parameters in order to make out whether it affects the performance of the car. When unequal-length wishbone suspension is selected, the paper chose the type of flexible components, absorder, guide mechanism and other part...