I杜鲁门政府的退役军人社会保障政策研究摘 要退役军人是一个特殊群体。如何妥善安置退役军人,是世界各国极为关注的问题,其事关军心稳定和国防巩固的大局。第二次世界大战结束后,美国政府面临的首要难题是 1000 多万退役军人的安置。加之,杜鲁门执政期间正处于美国社会保障制度全面发展的重要阶段,其中退役军人保障政策在这一时期亦不断发展。为此,在早期社会保障政策的基础上,杜鲁门政府新创了一项兼顾经济补偿和社会效益的战后调适政策,旨在帮助退役军人成功过渡到平民生活,弥补因服役失去的教育、工作和其他机会。杜鲁门政府针对退役军人制定的保障政策涵盖教育和培训、文官录用优待、人寿保险、住房保障、货币福利以及其他保障。该保障政策具备以下特点:援助范围宽泛、保障内容多样、侧重生存发展权。尽管杜鲁门政府的退役军人社会保障政策存有不足,但它的制定与实施仍具有现实意义:其一,它不仅促进了战后美国经济的膨胀性繁荣,还为往后政府解决此类问题提供了范例。其二,它既维持了社会稳定与巩固国家政权,又对战后美国的教育理念和建筑业发挥了巨大的作用。其三,它不光有效地安置了退役军人,也缓解了战后就业压力。总之,杜鲁门政府的退役军人社会保障政策对世界各国的退役军人安置工作均有很重要的借鉴意义。关键词:美国;杜鲁门政府;退役军人;社会保障政策IIAbstractVeterans are a special group. How to properly resettle veterans is a matter of great concern to all countries in the world. It bears on the overall situation of the stability of military morale and the consolidation of national defense. After the end of world war Ⅱ, the first problem facing the U.S. government is the resettlement of more than 10 million veterans. In addition, the Truman administration is in an important stage of the comprehensive development of the social security system in the United States, in which the security policy for veterans has been continuously developed in this period. Thus, on the basis of the early social security policy, the Truman administration created a new postwar adjustment policy that balanced economic compensat...