基于单片机和蓝牙 APP 的环境温湿度监测系统设计与实现 内容摘要根据家庭生活和工业生产的需要,结合国内外研究现状,进行相关调研。利用嵌入式微控制器技术,传感器技术和无线蓝牙传输技术,设计了一套基于单片机的智能蓝牙 APP 环境监控系统。通过传感器技术收集环境变量信息,将环境变量信息反馈给单片机,单片机响应信号,驱动系统运行,并通过无线传输进行控制,实时获取当前环境数据并且设置环境报警值。当实时环境数据超过预设的警报值时,系统将自动发出警报,并采取针对性的措施及时做出应急响应。在提高人们家庭生活环境的生活质量的同时,也保证了工业生产工人的生命和财产安全。关键词:环境温湿度监测;STC89C51;HC-05;DHT11;APP;SIC-ISPAbstractAccording to the needs of family life and industrial production, combined with domestic and foreign research status, relevant research is conducted. Using embedded microcontroller technology, sensor technology and wireless Bluetooth transmission technology, a set of intelligent Bluetooth APP environment monitoring system based on single chip microcomputer is designed. Collecting environmental variable information through sensor technology, feeding back environmental variable information to the single-chip microcomputer, the single-chip microcomputer responds to signals, the driver runs, and controls by wireless transmission to obtain current environmental data in real time and set environmental alarm values. When the real-time environmental data exceeds the preset alarm value, the system will automatically alarm, and adopt targeted measures for timely emergency response. While raising the variables of people's family living environment, it also guarantees the safety of life and property of industrial production workers.Key Words: Environmental temperature and humidity monitoring; STC89C51; HC-05; DHT11; APP; SIC-ISP目 录1. 绪论.....................................................11.1 选题意义与目的............