(基于单片机的环境监测系统)( Environment monitoring system based on single chip microcomputer ) 中文摘要21 世纪科技的爆发式发展带来了生产力的大幅提升,人们的生活环境仿佛一夜间也变了样,工厂与高楼如春雨过后的繁华,一座座平地而起,大大改变了人们的生产工作与生活环境。于是乎,温度与湿度这两个指标在相对封闭的室内环境是否处于一个合适的区间对于生产与生活尤为重要。合适的温湿度给予人们舒适的居住环境,工艺指标下的温湿度给生产以保障良品率。传统的温湿度检测靠人力检查,依托着简单的温湿度检测仪器,耗时费力,并且还无法避免检测人无意的错误操作。传统检测成本高,且错误的检测结果对现代化的工业生产是十分严重的后果。综上所述,此时便需要一种高效精确并且低成本的检测装置。此时,基于单片机的环境检测系统便孕育而生。此单片机系统,结构简单,成本低,检测精度高且体积较小,应用范围大增加,适合于工业生产以及居家生活等多个场景的应用。此次课题设计采用了 STM32 单片机,传感器 DH11,报警模块,阈值设置模块以及必要电路构成基于单片机的环境检查系统。该系统实时获取环境中的温湿度数据,当超过设定的温湿度界限时,给予报警反馈。关键词:温湿度监测 DTH11 STM32 LCD1602 Abstract In the 21st century, the explosive development of science and technology has brought about a significant increase in productivity. People's living environment seems to have changed overnight.New factories and tall buildings have greatly changed people's production, working and living environment.Therefore, whether the two indexes of temperature and humidity are in a proper range in the relatively closed indoor environment is particularly important for production and life. Suitable temperature and humidity give people a comfortable living environment, suitable for the protection of industrial production under the temperature and humidity.Traditional temperature and humidity detection relies on human inspection, relying on simple temperature and humidity detection instruments, which is time-consuming and laboriou...