唯品会的商业模式和营销策略研究【摘要】 随着科技的快速发展,我国的互联网普及率在持续提高,移动电商用户规模日益扩大,电商行业内部竞争也越来越激烈。如何提高用户粘性,精准市场定位,简化购物流程成为各平台一直摸索的关键问题。而作为我国少有的电商特卖平台,唯品会从 2008 年成立至今一直坚持品牌限时特卖的模式。到2019 年第三季度为止,唯品会已成功实现连续 28 个季度的盈利,注册用户数保持稳步上升的速率。针对以上背景,我们对唯品会这个电商企业,对它的商业模式和营销策略进行调查研究,发现它开创的正品特卖模式是唯品会被消费者认可的最主要原因。中高端品牌的限时促销和大力度折扣,让消费者用低价位买到高品质的正品商品,形成口碑营销,吸引了新客户的同时,提高了原有客户的多次回头率。另外,我们还分析了唯品会内部经营方针和国内电商行业的竞争现状,总结出唯品会的成功证明了特卖模式在我国还是有极大市场的结论,针对拓宽消费群体提出建议,期望唯品会为我国电商行业的繁荣壮大提供参考意见。【关键词】电子商务;商业模式;唯品会Vipshop’ s Business Model and Marketing Strategy Research[Abstract] With the rapid development of technology, China’ s Internet penetration rate continues to improve. The scale of mobile e-commerce users is increasing, and the internal competition in the e-commerce industry is becoming increasingly fierce. How to improve user stickiness, accurate market positioning, and simplify shopping process has become a key issue that various platforms have been exploring. As a rare e-commerce sales platform in China, Vipshop has always adhered to the model of limited-time brand sales since its establishment in 2008. As of the third quarter of 2019, Vipshop has successfully made profit for 28 consecutive quarters, and the number of registered users has maintained a steady increase rate.In view of the above background, we investigated and researched Vipshop, an e-commerce company, on its business model and marketing strategy, and found that the genuine...