网红加直播环境下的消费者冲动性购买行为影响因素研究【摘要】随着互联网技术的快速发展,从中衍生出的网红经济也飞快发展着。网红+直播的营销形式打破了传统电商的图文营销模式,从而大大减少了消费者从了解产品到购买产品的购买周期,这也导致消费者的冲动性购买行为也大大增加了。从实证的角度出发,本文提出了六个研究假设,并设计了量表和相应的问卷。通过问卷调查研究了在线网红加直播环境中影响消费者冲动购买行为的因素。通过 Credamo 平台和微信朋友圈随机分配问卷,共收集了 101 份有效问卷,再通过 SPSS25.0 软件对问卷数据进行了描述性统计,可靠性分析,有效性分析,相关性分析和回归分析。最后得到了以下结论:(一)冲动特质对消费者的冲动购买行为具有显著的促进作用。(二)网红的可信性可以促进消费者的冲动性购买行为。(三)网红的个人魅力、促销折扣、网红的专业性、互动性对消费者的冲动性购买行为不存在促进作用。论文的最后部分提出了在网红直播营销行业方面的营销建议,总结了本研究的不足以及提出了相应的展望。【关键词】冲动性购买行为;信息源;促销折扣;互动性;冲动性特质Study on Synthesis and Structure Analysis of O-Carboxymethyl Chitosan[Abstract] With the rapid development of Internet technology, the Internet celebrity economy derived from it is also developing rapidly. The form of Internet celebrity + live broadcast breaks the traditional graphic mode of e-commerce, making consumers greatly reduce the purchase cycle from understanding the product to purchasing the product, and the impulse purchase behavior has also greatly increased. This article from an empirical perspective, based on the current development of online celebrities live streaming and consumer behavior analysis of impulse purchases, combined with other scholars' empirical research, put forward the six research hypotheses of this article, and design a scale And questionnaires to study the influencing factors of consumer impulse purchase behavior under the influence of online red plus live broadcast. Questionnaire...