房地产服务行业的线上化发展现状及方向研究【摘要】随着互联网的快速发展,各行业的互联网改造正深刻的影响着消费行为、企业形态和经济发展。本文从房地产服务行业利用互联网发展入手,以房地产服务行业的线上化发展现状及方向为研究目的,首先对房地产服务行业的线上化发展现状进行概述,然后运用 SWTO 分析法对房地产服务行业的线上化发展进行全面系统的分析,归纳出房地产服务行业的线上化发展中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。同时对典型的房产交易平台“贝壳找房”的线上化改造措施进行归纳分析。最后基于分析结果提出促进房地产服务行业线上化的建议,并得出房地产服务行业的线上化发展方向是平台化,以服务为核心竞争力和以数据技术驱动行业发展。 【关键词】房地产;互联网;SWTO 分析法注:本论文(设计)题目来源于教师的国家级(或省部级、厅级、市级、校级、企业)科研项目,项目编号为: 。 Research on the Status and Direction of Online Development of Real Estate Service Industry[Abstract] With the rapid development of the Internet, the transformation of the Internet in various industries is profoundly affecting consumer behavior, enterprise form and economic development.This article starts with the development of real estate service industry using the Internet,and takes the current status and direction of the online development of the real estate service industry as the research purpose, uses the SWTO Analysis method to conduct a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the online development of the real estate service industry, and summarize the advantages and urgent problems in the online development of real estate service industry. Then, SWTO analysis the online development of real estate service industry comprehensively and systematically, and summarize the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the online development of real estate service industry. Finally, based on the analysis results, it puts forward suggestions to promote the real est...