4 月 2 6 日------后置定语 11. Earthquakes related to volcanic activity may produce hazards which include ground cracks, ground deformation and damage to manmade structures according to the historical records available.volcanic: [vɔlˈkænɪk] : adj. 火山的;猛烈的 n. 火山岩hazard : [ˈhæzəd] vt.冒险;使遭受危险 n.危险;冒险的事;机会deformation:[ˌdi:fɔ:ˈmeɪʃən] n.变形;词的变形;形态损伤,形状损毁在本句中,分词短语 related to volcanic activity是 earthquakes 的后置定语,由关系代词which 引导的定语从句修饰 hazards. 从句中包含 ground cracks, ground deformation, damageto manmade structures三个成分,另外 according to引导的部分作整个句子的状语。2.下面我们来看这个句子的划分:Earthquakes related to volcanic activity may produce hazards 主语 后置定语 谓语 宾语 which include ground cracks, ground deformation and damage to manmade structure 定语从句 according to the historical records available. 状语3 .最后我们来看整个句子的翻译: 根据已有的史料记载,与火山活动有关联的地震可能会造成的危害有地裂、地面变形及对人造建筑的破坏。 通过对句子成分的具体划分,同学们会慢慢发现其实所谓的长难句并没有我们想象的那么难,静下心来一步一步分析,循序渐进,这样长久的累积下来你会发现你的阅读能力提高了,自然解题速度会加快,另外可以积累很多好句子以及掌握好句子的构成,对英语作文会有很大的帮助,所以加油吧孩子们! 4 月 27 日------后置定语 21.Two people confirmed on Saturday to be infected with bird flu were reportedto be in critical condition yesterday after being tested positive for the deadlyH5N1 virus. confirm: [kənˈfə:m] vt. 确认,批准;证实infect: [inˈfekt] vt. 使受影响,感染;传染,散布病毒,侵染bird flu: 禽流感critical: [ˈkritikəl] adj. 批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的,危急的;决定性的virus: [ˈvaiərəs] n. 病毒;病毒性疾病;毒素,毒害本句中,confirmed on Saturday to be infected with bird flu是主语 two people 的后置定语 were reported ...