1 SAT 强 化 填 空 讲 义 Ver 2.4 2 一 . SAT 填 空 简 介 (1) 你最好和他商量一下,------他会生气的。 (A)如果 (B)要么 (C)可是 (D)于是 (2) By the end of 2015, the population of India ------ surpassed that of China. (A) will (B) will have (C) have (D) had (3) 好人是------。 (A) 爱好和平的 (B) 可耻的 (C) 受到尊敬的 (D) 不坏的 (E) 公平的 (4) 张飞,三国时期的将领,是________; 他外表彪悍,能智擒马岱。 (A) 易怒的 (B) 武力高超的 (C) 仗义的 (D) 有谋略的 (E) 多才多艺的 (5) Rather than enhancing a country’s security, the successful development of nuclear weapons could serve at first to increase that country’s ------. (A) bravery (B) influence (C) responsibility (D) moderation (E) vulnerability (6) 张飞,三国时期的将领,是------; 他不仅武艺高超,而且善于画美女。 (A) 易怒的 (B) 爱美女的 (C) 仗义的 (D) 有谋略的 (E) 多才多艺的 (7) A true rebel, Leslie often did what was ------ simply to demonstrate her inclination to disobey taboos. (A) courageous (B) monotonous (C) customary (D) arduous (E) forbidden 3 1 .5 重复的两种考察方式 1.5.1 空格与题干的重复 (1) That critic’s writing is so obscure upon first reading, one finds its ------ hard to penetrate. (A) brevity (B) rigidity (C) floridity (D) harmony (E) opacity (2) To avoid being ------, composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs. (A) erratic (B) informal (C) elaborate (D) predictable (E) idiosyncratic (3) As a person who combines care with ------, Marisa completed her duties with ------ as well as zeal. (A) levity .. resignation (B) geniality .. ardor (C) vitality .. willingness (D) empathy .. rigor (E) enthusiasm .. meticulousness 41.5.2 考察空格与空格的关系 (1) Although the bystander’s account of the car accident at first seemed ------, the...