1 SAS Base 认证考试—70 题 SAS 分多个认证种类:base,advanced,clinic 等,但大多需要先通过base 认证。 但凡这类商业组织提供的考证,基本都是题库型,所以想考过难度并不大。 对于只想拿 SAS 认证的人,如果熟练掌握网上流传甚广的 sas 真题70 题,通过base 认证基本就没问题。 Q 1 1. The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.TOTAL; set WORK.SALARY; by Department Gender; if First.<_insert_code_> then Payroll=0; Payroll+Wagerate; if Last.<_insert_code_>; run; The SAS data set WORK.SALARY is currently ordered by Gender within Department. Which inserted code will accumulate subtotals for each Gender within Department? A. Gender B. Department C. Gender Department D. Department Gender 答案:A 本题知识点:自动变量 在 SAS 读取数据时,在 PDV 过程中会产生很多自动变量,在输出的数据集中是不可见的。 · FIRST.VARIABLE:同一个BY 变量(组),若新的变量值第一次出现时,其 first.variable 值为 1。 · LAST.VARIABLE:同一个BY 变量(组),若新的变量值最后一次出现时,其 last.variable 值为 1。 另外,在 BY 变量右面有多个变量时,先按第一个变量排序,若第一个变量的观测存在重复时,才按第二个变量排序。 Q 2 Given the following raw data records in TEXTFILE.TXT: 2 ----|----10---|----20---|----30 John,FEB,13,25,14,27,Final John,MAR,26,17,29,11,23,Current Tina,FEB,15,18,12,13,Final Tina,MAR,29,14,19,27,20,Current The following output is desired: Obs Name Month Status Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 1 John FEB Final $13 $25 $14 $27 . 2 John MAR Current $26 $17 $29 $11 $23 3 Tina FEB Final $15 $18 $12 $13 . 4 Tina MAR Current $29 $14 $19 $27 $20 Which SAS program correctly produces the desired output? A. data WORK.NUMBERS; length Name $ 4 Month $ 3 Status $ 7; infile 'TEXTFILE.TXT' dsd; input Name $ Month $; if Month='FEB' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Status $; else if Month='MAR' then input Week1 W...