综述 乳腺癌术后上肢淋巴水肿的防止和医治的研究现状 陈耿煜 综述【摘要】:目的:总结国内外有关乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿的防止和医治的研究现状。办法:以“乳腺癌〔breast cancer〕〞、“淋巴水肿(lymphedema)〞、防止〔prevention〕和医治(treatment)等为核心词搜索 Pu bM e d、CNKI期刊全文数据库。成果:医治方法包含药品医治,手术医治和中医医治。防止方法重要有心理医治,手术操作,术后放疗和上肢的护理。结论:乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿是一种慢性不可治愈性病态,医治虽获得必定疗效,但未能从根本上解决问题,疗效难以持久且个体差别较大,核心在于防止【核心词】乳腺癌;上肢;淋巴水肿,防止,医治Current status of research o n the Prevention strategies and treatment of upper limb lymphedema after breast cancer operation Chen gengyu shandong universityAbstract:OBJECTIVE;To sump up current status of research on prevention strategies and treatment breast cancer-related lymphedema METHODS;“breast cancer,lymphedema,Prevention , treatment〞〞were searched as key words in the database of PubMed,CNKI r E S U L T S : Treatment options include drug treatment 、 surgical therapies and traditional Chinese medicine treatmentPrevention options include psychotherapy. :surgical method. postoperative radiotherapy and the nursing of Upper limb .CONCLUSIONS:Breast cancer-related lymphedema is a chronici n c u r a b l e s i c k n e s s ,However, the efficacy is unsustainable and hetergeneous..Prevention plays an important role to reduce the incidence of lymphedema.[KEYWORDS] breast neoplasms;lymphedema;prevention;treatment乳腺癌是女性常见的...