1基于 Labview 的温度检测与控制系统摘要:温度是用来表示一个物体的有多冷或者多热的,不单单和我们生活有关,而且对科学研究也有着很深远的影响,在生活和科学研究中都是必须对温度进行测量。在我们的生活中,利用 Labview 可以对温度进行精确检测,对我们工农生活有着很大的好处。控制系统是指其目标和功能由控制主体、控制对象和控制介质组成的管理系统。管理系统可以机械地、机械地或以期望的方式维护和更改其他设备中的任何相关或可变数量。本文以温度检测与控制系统为研究对象,对基于 LabVIEW 的两个对象进行了分析。本文的主要内容如下:1.阐述了温度检测的基本原理,并在实验室条件下进行了一些数据分析。2.据热电空调的温度控制要求,选择了适用于该系统的模糊控制规则,并将其应用于该系统。完成了模糊控制器的设计,并在 LabVIEW 环境下对输入输出性能进行了测试。3.在研究信号采集与技术调理的基础上,结合信号调理设备,在 LabVIEW 中实现了该系统。环境下热电空调温度监测子系统的软件设计。4.阐述了温度检测的基本原理,并进行了一些数据分析。关键词:Labview;温度检测;控制系统 2 Temperature Detection and Control System Based on LabviewAbstractTemperature is a physical quantity representing the degree of cold and heat of an object. It is closely related to human life and scientific research There is almost nothing in scientific research that does not require temperature detection. Measurement of temperature in industrial and agricultural production and daily life Quantity and control always occupy an important position. The control system refers to a management system composed of a control subject, a control object and a control medium with its own goals and functions, which means that any interested or variable quantity in a machine, mechanism or other equipment can be maintained and changed in a desired manner. This paper takes the temperature detection and control system as the research object and analyzes the two objects based on Labview.The main contents of this paper are...