创业板上市公司股利政策研究摘 要近年提出的股权成本与基本结构无关的定论一出,在金融经济学以及财务理论学上,股利政策成为了其重要理论之一。越来越多的经济学家深入研究股利政策理论,通过不同角度深入探究了企业股利政策优化的问题。对于创业板上市公司而言,在制定相关的股利政策时,是需要在一定的范围、按照一定的规则进行的,并进一步结合会因此而引起的各种影响,从而进一步推动公司制度的合理化与规范化。为了使我国的股权以及国民经济能够健康快速的发展,作为创业板上市公司来说,以实现企业价值最大化,应该根据实际情况,制定出应对本身的股利政策问题的对策。企业只有调整好股利政策才能健康快速的发展。希望借此文能够推动我国创业板上市公司的股利政策的进一步发展。论文写作思路:本文试图通过了分析各类股息分配政策及影响这种政策的各种因素,并深入探析我国现有的股息分配政策存在的问题,并提出相关建议。关键词:创业板上市公司;股利政策;政策优化 IResearch on Dividend Policy of Listed Companies on GEMAbstractIn recent years , the cost of equity and the basic structure proposed an independent conclusion on the theory of financial economics and financial science, dividend policy has become one of the important theory. More and more economists to work on the theory of dividend policy, through different angles delves into corporate dividend policy optimization. For listed companies, in the development of the relevant dividend policy is needed in a certain range, according to certain rules of conduct, and further integration of the various effects will thus cause, thus further promoting the rationalization and standardization of the company system. In order to make our national economy and equity can be healthy and rapid development, as a listed company, in order to maximize enterprise value should be based on the actual situation, to develop their own coping strategies dividend policy. Only through adjusting the dividend policy, can be healthy a...