摘 要从我国城市范围来看,超市作为一种服务行业,其所面临的竞争环境越来越严峻,尤其是从2004年底外国零售地域限制被取消,外国大型超市纷纷进驻中国,超市之间展开激烈的竞争,在其交锋中怎样保留原有的客户,减少客户流失则成为超市发展面临的一个非常重要的问题,并且企业发展一个新客户的成本是保留一个老客户成本的5-10倍。对于超市来说,避免顾客流失是实现其利润增长的核心。本文通过对顾客流失的相关理论进行回顾,并结合营销学的相关知识,以郑州市超市顾客流失原因为调查内容,从超市形象及购物环境;商品的质量、价格及种类;员工及超市服务;超市的便利性;超市促销等方面以实地问卷调查的方式得出了顾客流失的重要原因。通过本文的研究得出应对超市顾客流失的策略:优化超市形象及购物环境;保证商品质量的基础上合理定价;强化员工的服务意识;以方便顾客为原则开展经营活动;开展积极有效的促销活动;高度重视并妥善处理顾客抱怨;实施关系营销助于提高顾客的忠诚度。关键词:超市 顾客流失 规避策略 Title Analysis of supermarket customers and to avoid the loss of research strategy———— Zhengzhou City as an example IAbstractFrom the scope of China's cities, the supermarket industry as a service, it faces increasingly tough competition, especially from foreign countries by the end of 2004 was the abolition of restrictions on the retail area, foreign large-scale supermarkets have been stationed in China, between the fierce supermarket competition, in its battle to keep the original in how customers and reduce customer churn supermarket development has become a very important issue, and business development costs of a new customer is to retain an old customer of 5-10 times the cost. For supermarkets, fighting for repeat buyers is to achieve its profit growth in the core.In this paper, the loss of customers to review the relevant theory, combined with knowledge of marketing to supermarket customers in Zhengzhou City, the reasons for the investigation of the loss of the...