不同种类啤酒中氨基酸含量的分析[摘要]本论文是以啤酒为研究对象,探索不同种类啤酒中氨基酸的含量。本实验先对啤酒进行预处理,之后对预处理后的样品进行研究。啤酒中的氨基酸含量通过日立L-8900 氨基酸全自动分析仪测定,该仪器灵敏、快速、提供数据准确可靠、分辨率高、操作简单、分析周期短。通过一系列实验之后,得出精酿啤酒比市售啤酒的总游离氨基酸含量高,且精酿啤酒与市售啤酒中的脯氨酸含量均为最高;而且精酿啤酒相较于市售啤酒口感更佳;两种啤酒中部分必需氨基酸高于 FAO/WHO 理想氨基酸构成比例,而部分则低于 FAO/WHO 理想氨基酸构成比例。[关键词]啤酒;氨基酸分析仪;游离态氨基酸IAnalysisofaminoacidcontentindifferentkindofbeerAppliedChemistryMajorjingruwang[Abstract]In this paper, the content of amino acids in different kinds of beer was studied. In this experiment, beer was pretreated and then the treated samples were studied. The amino acid content in beer was determined by Hitachi l-8900 amino acid automatic analyzer, which is sensitive, fast, accurate and reliable, high resolution and easy to operate. After a series of experiments, it is found that the content of total free amino acid in craft beer is higher than that in commercial beer, and the content of proline in both craft beer and commercial beer is the highest. Craft beer tastes better than commercial beer; Some essential amino acids in the two beers were higher than the FAO/WHO ideal amino acid composition ratio, while some were lower than the FAO/WHO ideal amino acid composition ratio.[Keywords]beer;aminoacidanalyzer;FreeaminoacidsII不同种类啤酒中氨基酸含量的分析目录第一章 绪论...................................................................................................................................................31.1 啤酒的营养价值.......................................................................................................................................31.2 本课题目前国...