摘要为探究不同生化褐变缓聚剂对智慧果生物催化剂(多酚催化酶)活性的抑制机理,采用磷酸缓冲液构建智慧果汁模拟系统,选取智慧果中含量较多的酚类物质绿原酸作为试验对象,以磷酸缓冲液为智慧果汁模拟系统,选取4-己基间苯二酚(4-HR)、乙二酸、安息香酸和对甲氧基安息香酸为缓聚剂,通过模拟试验探究缓聚剂对绿原酸模拟智慧果汁酵素生化褐变特性的影响,揭示缓聚剂对智慧果汁多酚催化酶的作用机理。结果表明,缓聚剂对多酚催化酶的抑制机理差异较大,其中4-HR和乙二酸对多酚催化酶的抑制作用为竞争性抑制,植酸为混合性抑制,而安息香酸为非竞争性抑制。该探究可为利用缓聚剂控制智慧果汁生化褐变提供理论依据。:以邻苯二酚为底物,对澳洲青苹中的生物催化剂进行了探讨。分别探究了 pH 值、温度、底物浓度及缓聚剂等因素对生物催化剂活性的影响,结果表明:澳洲青苹生物催化剂最适 pH 值为 6.5;最适温度为 35℃;90℃处理 3min,生物催化剂活性基本被抑制;添加浓度为 125mg/kg抗坏血酸或者浓度为 600mg/kg 的枸橼酸或者浓度为 50mg/kg 的亚硫酸氢钠后,生物催化剂活性分别为对照的 36%,38%和 23%。澳洲青萍生物催化剂的米氏方程参数为:Km=0.137mol/L,Vmax=0.460U/min关键词:智慧果汁;生化褐变缓聚剂;酵素生化褐变;多酚催化酶; abstractIn order to explore the inhibitory mechanism of different biochemical browning retarders on the activity of polyphenol catalytic enzymes in smart fruit, a simulation system of smart fruit juice was constructed with phosphate buffer. Chlorogenic acid, a phenolic substance with high content in smart fruit, was selected as the experimental object, and phosphate buffer was used as the simulation system of smart fruit juice. 4-hexyl resorcinol (4-HR), glyoxylic acid, glycolic acid were selected as the simulation system of smart fruit juice. Benzoic acid and p-methoxybenzoic acid were used as retarders. The effects of retarders on biochemical browning characteristics of chlorogenic acid-simulated smart juice enzymes were investigated by simulation experiments, and the mechanism of retarders on ...