摘要随着时代的不断进步,我们国家的经济力量不断的增强,这也就从而导致了我们国家人民的生活质量也在不断的提高,这也就使得我们国家的人民不再仅仅只是满足于肚子的温饱,从而对生活上的各个方面也有了越来越高的要求。而我们本篇论文的从题目中“不同品种鸡蛋蛋白质含量的分析”就可以看出,我们是针对现在人们对于鸡蛋的需求以及要求来进行一个简单的分析,所以本篇论文,就是以不同品种的鸡蛋作为我们本次论文的研究的对象,从而分析出哪个品种的鸡蛋里面所含有的蛋白质成分相对而言比较高,从而我们就可以得出,哪种鸡蛋是可以很好的满足现在我们国家的人民对鸡蛋的这种高要求或者是需求。而本篇论文呢?我们主要就是针对人民的高品质生活对现在鸡蛋的高品质的要求的增加的情况,也使得现在我们国家的人们越来越关注现在市场上面的鸡蛋的品质的高低,所以针对上面的问题,所以我们本次的论文主要分析的就是在相同的条件对饲养情况下,随机抽取不同品种的鸡蛋,从而分析其的蛋白质的含量。关键词:不同品种;鸡蛋;蛋品质AbstractAs the progress of The Times, our country's economic strength continuously strengthen, that is leading to the our country people's quality of life is in constant increase, it also makes the people of our country is no longer merely content with the belly of food and clothing, to all aspects of life have higher and higher requirements. And we in this paper from the title "the different variety of egg protein content analysis" can be seen, we are now people for the needs and requirements of the egg to make a simple analysis, so this paper, is in different varieties of eggs as our research object, this paper to analyze which proteins that varieties of eggs contain relatively high, thus we can conclude that what kind of eggs can be very good to meet people in our country are this high demand or the demand for eggs.And this paper? We is mainly aimed at the high quality life of the people of high quality requirements for eggs now increases, also make...