北强制衣厂生产成本内部审计研究摘要:本文主要研究北强制衣厂生产成本内部审计过程中存在的问题。第一部分阐述对北强制衣厂进行生产成本内部审计研究的目的意义、国内外相关研究文献综述及研究的内容和方法。第二部分叙述北强制衣厂生产成本内部审计的现状与存在的问题,用实例说明北强制衣厂生产成本内部审计过程中遇到的问题,即生产成本过高和和产品更新换代不及时等。第三部分主要分析该公司生产设备和会计核算方法落后以及生产成本过高的现象,其次是库存材料是否真实存在的问题。第四部分针对北强制衣厂生产成本内部审计存在的问题提出有效提的解决问题的对策,以北强制衣厂生产成本内部审计为实例进行论述。最后为结论部分,对论文研究工作进行全面的总结,归纳出有价值、值得借鉴的优秀经验。关键词:北强制衣厂;生产成本;内部审计;审计方法 Research on Prouduction Cost of Internal Audit in the Beiqiang clothing factory ByGAO Zi-congApril,2017Abstract:This paper mainly studies Beiqiang clothing factory production cost problems existing in the internal audit process. The first part discusses the strong clothing factory production cost of internal audit research significance, the purpose of the related research status at home and abroad literature review and research content and method. The second part described the Beiqiang clothing factory production costs of the current situation and problems existing in the internal audit, strong examples north clothing factory production cost in the process of the internal audit problems, namely, machinery and equipment was badly damaged and the misreporting, etc. The third part mainly analyzes the company production equipment and the backward accounting method, and is a serious shortage of production materials and waste phenomenon, followed by the stock material is a real problem. The fourth part is discussed by applying the methods of the internal audit to solve Beiqiang clothing factory production cost related pr...