1拜耳公司的激励方法浅析摘 要企业在运营过程中想要获得成功,离不开良好管理模式以及科学的管理制度。因此,当代企业想要不断发展壮大就需要构建出合理专业且科学的激励管理制度。企业在建立管理制度框架的过程中其核心部分即为人力资源管理,如何激发企业员工的积极主动性,不断开发致力于提升所拥有的人力资源的价值是一个企业进行人力资源的重要部分。成功的企业都会重视建立科学合理的激励管理制度,鼓励员工能够完全投入当前的工作中去,促进员工不断提升自身对组织的忠诚度和工作的主动性,为企业创造价值。一套科学合理的激励管理制度的有效运行,能够促进员工的主动性和积极性额提高,加强员工的职业素养和组织忠诚度,预防出现员工离职导致企业人才流失的问题,促进企业利润最大化的目标的实现。本研究在相关管理理论的基础上,结合实际管理中存在的问题,分析拜耳公司当前激励管理制度运行中存在的问题,探究类似医药公司激励管理制度的构建,促进其管理制度的进一步完善。关键词:拜耳公司;激励;企业管理AbstractA successful company stems from excellent management, and excellent management stems from an excellent system. Therefore, establishing a scientific and dynamic modern incentive system is an objective requirement for the development of modern enterprises. In the enterprise, human capital is the core of enterprise management, stimulating the enthusiasm of human resources, and improving the value of human capital development is the key to management. Therefore, through the establishment of incentive system, enterprises encourage employees to fully engage in the labor and creation of enterprises. And in the enterprise, a set of effective incentive system can stimulate the enthusiasm, loyalty and responsibility of the employees of the company; it can prevent the loss of employees and ensure the smooth realization of the company's goals. Based on relevant theories, this paper is based on the actual 2situation, and discusses the incentive status of Bayer (China) Co., Ltd. to explo...