百世快运镇江分拨物流运作降本增效研究摘 要快运业是物流行业发展中一个先导性和基础性产业。中国物流与采购联合会副会长贺登才提到“物流总费用高企,除了经济结构、产业布局、发展阶段等客观因素外,各种运输方式缺乏合理分工、物流路径有待优化、货物多次装卸搬运等也使物流环节过多,从而推高了物流成本。”百世快运作为中国快运业知名品牌,其所辖区域镇江分拨对物流运作降本增效研究还不够深入。本文首先从镇江分拨的概况、业务流程、作业设施和人员安排以及进出港货量四个方面分析了镇江分拨目前的运作现状。然后根据现状总结出镇江分拨物流成本居高不下,物流运作效率低的问题。针对配送车辆空载率高采用了节约里程法重新规划线路提高装载率;针对车货不匹配导致的高留仓率,运用了基于 Matlab 的灰色预测模型对镇江分拨的出港货量进行事先预测从而合理调度车辆;设备选型不当问题则通过运用模糊物元法合理选择操作设备来解决。上述问题的解决有利于提高百世快运镇江分拨物流运作效率,降低物流成本,增强了百世快运镇江分拨的核心竞争力。最为重要的是对促进我国快运业的健康、快速发展也具有深远意义。【关键词】百世快运镇江分拨;降本增效;物流运作;Research on Reducing the Cost and Increasing Efficiency in Best Freight Zhenjiang Distribution CenterAbstractExpress industry is a pioneer and basic industry in the development of logistics industry. China Federation of logistics and purchasing, vice president He Dengcai said the total logistics cost is high, in addition to the economic structure, industrial layout, development stage and other objective factors, the lack of rational division of labor, the various modes of transport logistics path needs to be optimized, many goods handling also make logistics links too much, thus pushing up the cost of logistics." BEST Express as Chinese express industry well-known brands, the regional distribution of Zhenjiang logistics cost efficiency research is not deep enough.Firstly, this paper analyzes the present operation situation of Zhenjiang distribution from four aspects:...