百世供应链无锡风能仓仓储内部优化研究摘 要物流行业作为国民经济中的新兴产业正逐步蓬勃发展。在物流系统中,高效合理的仓储管理有助于企业降低成本和提高人员的工作效率,从而保证生产的顺利进行,为资源进行相关管理和控制奠定基础。与此同时,仓储管理作为供应链管理的重要环节之一,对其实现有效的管理有利于供应链各节点企业提高自身竞争力。本文阐述百世供应链无锡风能仓的基本现状,在分析风能仓仓库布局存在不合理安排的基础上,运用 ABC 分类法和 SLP 法对仓库内部进行布局整改优化,从而提高仓库内部的工作效率,使之获得更大的经济效益。【关键词】无锡风能仓;百世供应链;布局优化;ABC 分类法;SLP 法An optimized design of internal supply chain in Wuxi Best WarehouseAbstractLogistics industry, as an emerging industry in the national economy, is gradually booming. With the rapid development of economic society ,the logistics industry is also developing quickly and in a growing trend. In logistics system, effective and reasonable storage management benefits enterprises to lower the cost and improve work efficiency so that can ensure the production in a smooth way and can become the basis of realizing management and the control of resource. At the same time, Storage management acts as one of the important part of supply chain management. Achieving effective management is in favour of improving the competitiveness of each node of enterprise. The purpose of the paper is introducing the current situation of the Fengneng warehouse in Wuxi. And on the basis of analyzing its current existing unreasonable management problems, with the use of methods such as ABC analytic approach and SLP method to optimize the internal layout structure of warehouse, the paper will achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of internal warehouse so as to achieve greater economic benefits.[keywords] Fengneng warehouse in WuXi; BE...