摘 要摘要 就企业来说,市场竞争越来越激烈,企业与企业的竞争慢慢地由产品竞争变成了更高层次的品牌之间的竞争,电器类型的企业则是更具有明显的品牌消费特征,打造出国际化品牌对于企业的利益增长与长远发展均具有极高的现实意义。在中国经济高速发展的背景下,近年来,中国企业逐渐加大了国际化的步伐,逐步走上了国际并购之路,去寻找国际市场中的商业机会,但由于没有认识到国际并购中蕴含着风险以及并购过程的复杂性,大多数企业都缺乏充分的准备,导致企业常常陷入困难的境地。本文分为五个部分,首先是引言部分,提出了论文的研究背景和意义,并且对相关的文献进行综述,接着阐述相关理论;第二部分:TCL 集团公司的现状,讲述 TCL 集团公司目前的情况,主要就 TCL 集团公司的经营现状,开拓国际市场的策略、思路进行浅要分析。第三部分:TCL 集团公司开拓国际市场时存在的问题,从产品问题,技术问题,贸易问题还有管理等问题进行研究;第四部分:分析 TCL 集团公司为何在开拓国际市场时存在问题,针对每个问题对应分析;第五部分:给 TCL 集团公司在解决开拓国际市场的对策建议,着重就当前 TCL 集团公司开拓国际市场出现的问题及改革建议进行详细分析,分析问题,制定相应的应对措施。关键词 TCL 集团 国际市场 开拓策略摘 要ABSTRACT As far as enterprises are concerned, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the competition among enterprises is gradually changing from product competition to brand competition at a higher stage. The electrical industry has a significant brand consumption characteristic. Creating an international brand is of great practical significance to the growth of enterprises'interests and long-term development. Under the background of China's rapid economic development, in recent years, Chinese enterprises have gradually increased the pace of internationalization, gradually embarked on the road of international mergers and acquisitions, to find business opportunities in the international market. However, due to the lack of awareness of the risks involved in international mergers...