HT150 阀体的铸造工艺设计摘要 本文通过对灰铸铁阀体的铸造工艺方案的设计,包括浇注位置、分型面的选择,砂芯和各项铸造工艺参数的确定以及浇注系统、砂箱、芯盒、模板的设计。根据铸件小的特点,分为一箱四件,并采用封闭式的浇注系统的方法。通过对凝固过程的温度场和铸造缺陷的分析,对工艺进行改进,然后绘制屏分析铸造工艺图与合箱图,将数据具体化,有效地调整工艺参数,减少可能出现的铸造缺降,保证工艺的可靠性。最后设汁出合理的铸造工艺方案。关键词:阀体;铸造工艺设计;浇注系统;铸造工艺图.1 AbstractIn this paper, the casting process design of gray iron valve cover, including casting location, parting surface selection, sand core and casting process parameters determination and casting system, sand box, core box, template design. According to the characteristics of small castings, it is divided into four parts in one box, and the method of closed casting system is adopted. By analyzing the temperature field of solidification process and casting defects, the process was improved, and then the screen was drawn to analyze the casting process diagram and box diagram, and the data was materialized to effectively adjust the process parameters, reduce the possible casting loss and ensure the reliability of the process. Finally, a reasonable casting process plan was established.Key words: valve cover; Casting process design; Casting system; Casting process drawing.2 目录一绪论......................................................................6 1.1 概述...................................................................7 1.2 铸造行业的历史.........................................................8 1.3 国内铸造行业的现状.....................................................8 1.4 铸造工艺(技术)发展展望...............................................9 1.5 本课题的研究内容.......................................................10二铸件结构的工艺性.............