30 年来我国比较教育博士群体研究摘要目前,全国共有七所高等学校具有比较教育学博士学位授予点,分别为:华东师范大学、北京师范大学、西南大学、东北师范大学、浙江大学(杭州大学)、南京师范大学以及华南师范大学。30 年来,我国培养比较教育博士近500 名左右,对比较教育学科的发展做出巨大贡献。本文基于万方数据库的文献数据,采用了文献计量方法统计了我国三十年来比较教育学博士论文的信息,对比较教育学博士群体进行了分析,从毕业生人数、培养高校及毕业学生数、比较教育博士生导师状况、比较教育博士生论文选题分析这 4 个方面进行研究,最终根据研究结果提出要加强博士研究生的培养,扩大招生数量;加大博士点的培育,扩大博士生导师遴选;提升比较教育研究的科学性,促进学科建设的建议。关键词:30 年来;比较教育;博士群体;文献计量法Research on Doctoral Group of Comparative Education in China in the Past 30 YearsAbstractAt present, there are seven institutions of higher learning in China that are qualified to confer doctor's degrees in comparative education, namely, East China normal university, Beijing normal university, Southwest university, Northeast normal university, Zhejiang university (Hangzhou university), Nanjing normal university and South China normal university. In the past 30 years, China has cultivated nearly 500 doctors of comparative education, making great contributions to the development of the discipline of comparative education. Based on the literature of a database of ten thousand data, using the bibliometrics method to statistic the doctoral dissertation of comparative education in thirty years in our country, analyses the Dr Comparative education group, the number of graduates, training colleges and universities, and graduate students, the condition of comparative education doctoral tutor, comparative education doctoral thesis topic selection analysis of these four aspects are studied, finally according to the results of t...