AcknowledgementsI am very grateful to have this opportunity to extend my best regards to whoever has helped me with my thesis. Firstly, I would extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, prof. Wang. for his continuous support and inspiring instructions. I am inspired by his persistent patience and kind encouragement. Without his generous guidance and constructive revision, this paper would have never been finished.Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my friends at the same group. Then, all the other teachers in our School of Foreign Languages also influence me greatly. It is they who give me lectures which have benefited me a lot and provided inspiration for my thesis.Last but not least, I would give my thanks to School. Thanks for giving me this chance to achieve this paper and to make the conclusion for my four years’ education.AbstractThe Known World is a famous novel written by American writer Edward Jones. The book tells the story of the United States at the end of nineteenth Century, the black slaves and the fantastic life. The protagonist Henry Townsend as slaves, after spending money to get freedom, bought his own plantation in Virginia, influenced by the white slave owners, he kept his thirty-three slaves, made the slaves too horrible to look at life. This paper discussed the protagonist the growth process of Townsend, because the changes of living environments, the protagonist confused about his identity, and then continued to construct identity. In the process of seeking identity, Henry gradually knew about the white world worlds but still kept sympathy for the black compatriots. However, he had not been recognized by the white dominated society. Finally,...