中文摘要本文从包含女性社会地位以及简·奥斯汀本身的婚姻观念、女性主义发展的影响和书中两种不同的婚姻的对比三个方面分析《傲慢与偏见》这本书所表达出的婚姻观念,从而得出结论,基于真爱的婚姻在结婚后会充满幸福,然而基于欲望和物质利益的婚姻在结婚后有的会是欺骗与利用。关键词: 社会背景 婚姻观 简·奥斯汀AbstractThis thesis analyzes the marriage views in the book Pride and Prejudice from three main parts including the social background which includes women’s social position and influence of Jane Austen herself, the development of feminism and the comparing of two kinds of marriages in the book. From the analysis of these aspects, the conclusion that the marriage based on love would have great happiness after marriage, while the later one based on sexual desire and material benefit which would exist with deceiving and utilizing can be summarized. Key Words: social background; marriage view; Jane AustenCONTENTS1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................32. The social background in late 18th century and early 19th century.................................................32.1. Women’s social position at that time in late 18th century and early 19th century.................32.2. The influence of the writer Jane Austen herself to the marriage view in the book Pride and Prejudice........................................................................................................................................33. The development and influence of feminism at that time both in the book and society....................33.1. The development of feminism at that era in the society..........................................................33.2. The influence of feminism thought to characters in the book........