内需结构失衡的问题研究 摘要:内需结构能否协调、均衡对我国经济的持续健康发展影响巨大,近几十年来,我国经济高速运行,综合国力提升迅速。然而,近几年来国内外经济形势复杂多变,总体增速开始放缓。纵观过去的发展历程,经济结构失衡成为中国经济发展的弊端。而扩大内需机制则是加快转变经济发展方式中就是最根本和最基础的部分,特别是扩大我国人民消费需求,在当今经济市场,金融危机所带来的全球性的经济衰退使我国也不免受到了一部分影响,开始出现出口疲弱的现象,为了实现我国扩大内需、保持经济增长速度、调整内需结构的经济目标,我们在了解内需对经济发展的能动作用的基础上,还要充分发挥其在市场上的导向功能,对百姓的消费需求进行扩大。关键词:内需 结构 失衡 研究 The Research on Imbalance of the Economic StructureAbstract: The balance and coordination of domestic demand have a tremendous impact on sustaining and health of our economy development.In the past decade,our economy face a high-speed development,enhancing our comprehensive national strength quickly.However ,in the past year,with the domestic and international economic situation being complicated,our rate of overall economy development is starting to slow down.If we want to know the reason,we must look through the history of the development of our economy.The fundamental reason is the structural imbalance ,which cause malpractices to our economy.To solve the problem,we must expand domestic demand ,especially the consumers’ demand.Nowadays under the international financial crisis that leads to the world recession and the weakness of our country’exports,so we must take the pull of the consumers’demand into consideration and give full play to the guiding of it. To achieve this aims on expanding domestic demand ,keeping up the development rate and adjusting the economy structure,we shall expand the consumers’ demand.Key word: domestic demand the demand structure the im...