家庭因素对龙泉驿区小学生参加足球训练影响的研究孩子在进行社会化的成长的过程中,对其影响最大的就是家庭,并且在孩子成长的过程中有着无法替代的地位。家庭是儿童进行社会化的大环境,孩子在家庭中对其行为、知识、道德进行学习,进而成为一个有自己独特特点的个体,有自己独一无二的人生观和世界观,在这个进化的过程中对其影响最大的就是家庭。比如学生进行足球运动的学习的过程中其学习发展收到了很多因素的影响,但是其家庭是影响最多的。本篇文章结合各种科学文献进行研究分析,从多方角度进行考虑,对家庭因素对小学生参与足球学习的影响,从而总结出结论并提出相应解决方案,希望可以帮助各种家庭提升对孩子们进行体育运动培养的观念、对增加小学生身体健康起到积极作用,并且提供相应的科学依据,达到证明体育课程可以更好的增强学生的身体心理健康的思想。关键词:The Influence of Family Factors on the Participation of Primary School Students in Longquanyi District in Football TrainingAbstract: In the process of social growth, the most important thing for children is family, and there is an irreplaceable position in the process of children's growth. The family is the environment for children to socialize. The children learn their behavior, knowledge and morality in the family, and then become an individual with their own unique characteristics. They have their own unique outlook on life and world. In the process of evolution, The most influential is the family. For example, in the process of learning football, students' learning and development have received many factors, but their families are the most influential. This article combines various scientific literatures for research and analysis, considers from various perspectives, and influences the influence of family factors on primary school students' participation in football learning, so as to summarize the conclusions and propose corresponding solutions, hoping to help various families to improve t...