1 QC 鞋类英语短语、句子. 一.港宝瑕疵(COUNTER DEFECTS) 1.Counter sheet not lasted under insole(港宝没有拉邦至中底之下) 2.Wrinkled counter caused either by poor lasting or by wrinkled chemical sheet(拉邦不良或港宝片皱折造成后套皱折) 3.Soft chemical sheet due to wrong materials or wrong primer (港宝片品质不良或处理不良以致港宝太软) 4.Crooked chemical sheet(港宝位置歪斜) 5.Low positioned chemical sheet(港宝位置过低) 6.Blisters on counter(后套部位有气泡现象) 7.Back height not uniform within pair by 2 mm or more (后套高度不一致达 2mm 或超过更多) 8.Other counter defects (其他港宝瑕疵) 二.Crooked Upper Defects (鞋面弯斜瑕疵) 1.Topline crooked or wavy(鞋领口歪曲或成波浪状) 2.Back seam off center, twisted or not vertical to heel seat, by 2mm (后合缝车线不正,偏离中线、扭曲或没与后跟垂直----偏离达 2mm。) 3.Back heights not uniform within pair (左脚后套高度不一致) 4.Different vamp length of left and right foot over 2 mm (左脚鞋面长度不同,相差超过 2mm。) 5.other crooked upper defect (其他鞋面弯斜瑕疵) 三.Color Variation defect(色差瑕疵) 1.Poor antique tr 2 eatment ( 锈色处理不良 ) 2.Color variation between different piece of upper(鞋面不同部位的色差) 3.Color of stitching and upper material not matching (as per confirmation sample) 车线材料与鞋面材料颜色不对(参照确认样品) 4.Wrong color on ornaments and lace(装饰物与鞋带色差) 5.Variation between left and right shoes(左右脚色差) 6.Poor printing and embroidery(鞋面不良印刷或刺绣) 7.Contrast color of PU coating and back fabric(PU 面及布里成对比色) 8.Other color variation defects(其它色差瑕疵) 四.Damaged Upper Defects(鞋面破损瑕疵) 1.Scratch mark on upper (鞋面擦痕) 2.Visible roughing marks more than 1.5mm or conspicuous (看得见的磨粗过高,超过1.5MM 或很显眼.) 3.Cut upper (鞋面破裂) 4.Torn upper c...