2006 年医学考博英语真题附答案 31.He ___ the check and deposited it in his account. B.endorsed C.cashed cash a check 以支票兑换现款 D.endowed 捐赠, 赋予He is endowed with genius 他赋有天才。 32.She claimed that she was denied admission to the school ___ her race A.. by virtue of .依靠, 由于 B.in accordance with C.with respect to D.on account of 由于 33.The present is ill.so the secretary will be ___ for him as chairman at the meeting. A..standing up 坚持, 经得起, 拥护, 抵抗 B.coming up 流行, 发生, 被提出,上升,讨论,出现 C.sitting in 参加 D.filling in 34The witness was.___ by the judge for failing to answer the question A. sentenced B.threatened C.admonished 告诫,劝告,警告,提醒,要求, 催 D.jailed 监禁 35.Publicly,they are trying to ___ this latest failure,but in private they are very worried. publicly adv.公然地, 舆论上 A..put off 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻 B.laugh off v.用笑摆脱 C.pay off v. 报复, 赢利 D.lay offv.解雇, 停止工作, 休息, 划出 36.It is sheer (完全的; 十足的) ___ to be home again and be able to relax. A.prestigen.声望, 威望, 威信 B.paradise 天堂 C.pride D.privacy 秘密, 私事In such matters, privacy is impossible.在这类事情中, 保密是不可能的。We must respect other's -cies 我们不该打听他人的私事 37.During rush hour.Downtown streets are ___ with commuters. commuter n.通勤者, 经常往返者 A.scattered B.condensed(使)浓缩, 精简 C.clogged 堵[阻]塞(up)塞[堵, 阻]满(with) D.dotted 38.Someone who is in ___ confinement 监禁,拘留 is kept alone in a room in prison. A. precise B.solitary solitary confinement 单独拘禁 C.remote D.confidential 39.She is very ___ , and will be able to perpform all require tasks well. A.productive B.flexible k C.sophisticated D.versatile 40.Various books and papers are ___ up t...