1 2 0 1 6 年上海卷高考英语作文范文 假设你是中华中学一名中学生,最近你正在参与一个研究性学习研究调查,调查课题为“关于父母是否对孩子感到骄傲” 。 1.简要描述这些数据 2.分析该原因 父母:对孩子感到骄傲 80% 孩子:认为父母对自己感到骄傲 60% A study has been carried out recently on whether parents take pride in their children. Having surveyed the students of our school and their parents, we finally got the results, as is shown in the chart. 80% of the parents surveyed said that they did, while 60% of the student subjects gave the same answer. Where dose the twenty percentage go? From my perspective, two factors contribute to it. On one hand, in the Chinese traditional educational pattern, parents would rather show their pride behind children’s back for fear that they might be too over-confident to behave well. When it comes to face-to-face conversations, parents prefer to point out mistakes, ignoring the fact that sometimes child needs more encouragement than criticism. On the other hand, children are also to blame for their impatience and less attention to parents. We work hard and are so desperate to win praise and applause. When we don’t get what is expected, we easily are drown into disappointment, become angry, start complaining, and lose the patience to calm down and think deeply. Naturally, we fail to find out how deep our parents love us and how proud they are knowing we achieve a lot. The missing twenty percentage mirrors the generation gap. Luckily, as long as parents and children make joint efforts, we can finally bridge the gap, understand each other and share a common idea. 2 0 1 5 年上海卷高考英语作文范文 学校即将举办 “读书节”, 目前正广泛征集 “读书节” 宣传册图片。 假设你是该校学生潘阳, 你已找到以下...