MOTOROLASEMICONDUCTORTECHNICAL DATAMotorola TVS/Zener Device Data6-97500 mW DO-35 Glass Data Sheet500 mW DO-35 GlassZener Voltage Regulator DiodesGENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES INTHIS GROUP500 MilliwattHermetically SealedGlass Silicon Zener DiodesSpecification Features:• Complete Voltage Range — 1.8 to 200 Volts• DO-204AH Package — Smaller than Conventional DO-204AA Package• Double Slug Type Construction• Metallurgically Bonded ConstructionMechanical Characteristics:CASE: Double slug type, hermetically sealed glassMAXIMUM LEAD TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 230°C, 1/16″ fromcase for 10 secondsFINISH: All external surfaces are corrosion resistant with readily solderable leadsPOLARITY: Cathode indicated by color band. When operated in zener mode, cathodewill be positive with respect to anodeMOUNTING POSITION: AnyWAFER FAB LOCATION: Phoenix, ArizonaASSEMBLY/TEST LOCATION: Seoul, KoreaMAXIMUM RATINGS (Motorola Devices)*RatingSymbolValueUnitDC Power Dissipation and T L ≤ 75°CLead Length = 3/8 ″Derate above T L = 75°CPD5004mWmW/°COperating and Storage Temperature RangeTJ, Tstg– 65 to +200°C* Some part number series have lower JEDEC registered ratings. 200TL, LEAD TEMPERATURE (°C)PD, MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS)Figure 1. Steady State Power DeratingHEATSINKS3/8”3/8”GENERALDATACASE 299DO-204AHGLASS500 mWDO-35 GLASSGLASS ZENER DIODES500 MILLIWATTS1.8–200 VOLTSGENERAL DATA — 500 mW DO-35 GLASSMotorola TVS/Zener Device Data6-98500 mW DO-35 Glass Data SheetAPPLICATION NOTE — ZENER VOLTAGESince the actual voltage available from a given zener diodeis temperature dependent, it is necessary to determine junc-tion temperature under any set of operating conditions in orderto calculate its value....