

专四新题型写作 自 2016 年 起 , 专 四 考 试 写 作 部 分 改 革 , 要 求 根 据 所 给 的 题 目 、图 表 或 阅 读 材 料 等 , 写 一 篇 200 词 左 右 的 作 文 。 出 现 的 新 题 型 命 题 +材 料 作 文 对 考 生 的 阅 读 理 解 及 归 纳 能 力 提 出 了 更 高 的 要 求 。 考 生 可 以采 取 “简 短 概 述 材 料 —评论—总结”的 写 作 模式。 值得注意的 是, 在写 作 过程中, 概 述 材 料 和进行评论缺一 不可 , 否则将可 能 被扣分 。 例题 1 PART VI W RITING Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should: 1 ) Summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then 2 ) Comment on whether students learn more from classes than from other resources You can support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Do stu dents learn more from classes than from other resou rces? With the advent of the Internet and other telecommunications technologies, there is a vastly growing wealth of resources available from an immense range of media outlets. Students have the ability to absorb information in a quicker and more efficient way when researching on their own through reading publications or browsing webpages online. As a result, some people argue that students now learn more from other resources than from classes. Conducting research with online materials is an active process, which allows youngsters to focus in greater detail rather than passively listening to a lecture in a large classroom. The Internet and TV are also easily accessible platforms for studen...

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