山东省烟台市芝罘区2016-2017 学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题二、语言基础运用。(10 分)26. ________ he is ill, ________ he goes to school. A. Although, but B. /(不填 ), / C. Although, / D. But, although 27. — Who helped Belly clean the bedroom just now? — ________. She cleaned it all by herself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody 28. — How often do you chat with your friends online? — ________ I ’m busy with my strdy A. Only one month. B. About twice a month. C. Almost every day. D. Maybe in two weeks. 29. — Look, this is my new house. How do you like it? — Mm, it is beautiful. But it is not ________. A. Large than us B. so large than ours C. so large as ours D. as large as us 30. Can you finish the work with ________ money and ________ workers? A. fewest, least B. the least, the fewest C. the fewest, the least D. least, fewest 31. — Do you usually go to school by bike? — No, ________. I take the bus to school every day. A. Sometimes B. often C. always D. never 32. Tara’s brother is similar ________ her but he is different ________ her in living habits. A. as, of B. as, from C. to, at D. to , from 33. — Did you meet ________? — Yes, I met Yue Yunpeng. He is ________ to make everyone laugh. A. interesting anyone, funny enough B. anyone interesting, enough funny C. anyone interesting, funny enough D. interesting anyone, enough funny 34. The talent show was so ________ that all of us liked it very much. A. fantastic B. serious C. loud D. talented 35. “Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body” means ________. A. 读万卷书,行万里路B. 读书健脑,运动强身C. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神D. 生命在于运动三. 完型填空。( 10 分)Teenagers are always stre...