1-1 全国自然状况和自然资源0101.xlsBasic Condition and Natural Resources1-2 全国行政区划 (年底数)0102.xlsDivisions of Administrative Areas in China (at the Year-end)1-3 全国人口状况0103.xlsPopulation1-4 全国就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0104.xlsEmployment and Unemployment1-5 全国职工人数和平均工资0105.xlsNumber of Staff and Workers and Average Wage1-6 国内生产总值0106.xlsGross Domestic Product1-7 国内生产总值构成0107.xlsComposition of Gross Domestic Product1-8 国内生产总值指数0108.xlsIndices of Gross Domestic Product1-9 国内生产总值指数0109.xlsIndices of Gross Domestic Product1-10 支出法国内生产总值0110.xlsGross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach1-11 全国居民消费水平及指数0111.xlsHousehold Consumption and Its Indices1-12 全社会固定资产投资0112.xlsTotal Investment in Fixed Assets1-13 按资金来源分全社会固定资产投资和房屋建筑面积0113.xlsTotal Investment in Fixed Assets by Source of Funds and FloorSpace of Buildings1-14 全国房地产开发情况0114.xlsFloor Space of Buildings and Real Estate Development of China1-15 国家财政收支总额及增长速度0115.xlsGovernment Revenue and Expenditure and Their Increase Rates1-16 全国各项税收0116.xlsTaxes1-17 国家财政主要支出项目0117.xlsMain Government Expenditure by Item1-18 国家财政债务还本付息支出0118.xlsGovernment Payment for the Principal and Interest of Debts1-19 中央财政债务余额情况0119.xlsBalance of Debts of National Government Finance1-20 全国外债余额0120.xlsBalance of Foreign Debts1-21 全国各种价格指数0121.xlsPrice Indices1-22 全国各种价格定基指数0122.xlsFixed-base Price Indices1-23 全国城乡居民家庭人均收支和恩格尔系数0123.xlsPer Capita Annual Income, Expenditure and Engle Coefficient ofUrban and Rural Households1-24 全国城乡居民住房面积和储蓄存款余额0124.xlsResident Buildings, Savings Deposit in Urban and Rural Areas1-25 全国城乡居民平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0125.xlsDurable Consume...