EMC Corporation Technology Solutions容灾系统 EMC 存储测试验收方案Date : Oct 28, 2005 Prepared for: Prepared by: EMC Corporation Date : EMC SOW Number: EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan 河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案Page ii 09/16/05 Record of Revisions The following is a list of revisions made to this document: End User Note: Enter brief information to record any updates/changes made to this Test and Acceptance Plan(if necessary) during the engagement. Enter the revision identifier (A –X), date, page number(s) affected, reason, and brief description of the change in the Summary column. The final, complete document is the Basic issue. Enter the date that the implementation’ s test procedures are complete and acceptance signatures are obtained. Remove these instructions and other red text items from this document when it is complete. Rev Date Pages Affected Reason Summary of Technical Changes Basic Oct 28, 2005 All –Initial document release. EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan 河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案Page iii 09/16/05 Table of Contents Purpose of this Document .....................................................................................................1Test and Acceptance Plan/Product Demonstration Agreement .........................................1Testing Prerequisites .............................................................................................................1EMC Developed Tests ..........................................................................................................