1 中考情态动词考点 (一)情态动词概说 1.情态动词也是“辅助性”动词,用来表示说话人的语气或情态。情态动词所表示的情态有:请求、命令、允诺、可能、需要、敢于、愿望、义务、能力等。 2.情态动词本身有词义,但词义不完全,不能单独用作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,且后面只跟动词原形。如: 她会唱英文歌曲。 She cans sing an English song.(F) She can sings an English song.(F) She can sing an English song.(T) 3.有些情态动词的过去时与其原形相同,有些与原形不同。 (1) 与原形相同的有: must --- must ought to --- ought to (2) 与原形不同的有: can --- could will --- would may --- might shall --- should need --- needed dare --- dared have to --- had to (二)情态动词的种类:(见下表) 原 形 过去式 词 义 can could 能 may might 可以(或许) must must(had to) 必须(不得不) will would 愿意 shall should 应该 need needed 需要 dare dared 敢于 (三)情态动词的否定形式: cannot --- can’t could not --- couldn’t may not--- mayn’t might not--- mightn’t must not --- mustn’t will not --- won’t would not --- wouldn’t need not --- needn’t shall not --- shan’t should not --- shouldn’t ought not --- oughtn’t dare not --- daren’t (四)常用情态动词的用法: 1.can 与 cou ld 1). can (1)表示体力或脑力方面的“能力”,也能表示根据客观条件能做某事的“能力”。 He can drive. 2 Can you jump as far as he did? I can’t catch up with Jim. can 与be able to 二者都表示“能够”,区别是:can 只有现在时和过去式,而 be able to 可用于各种时态。如: I’ll be able to speak French in half a year. He hasn’t been able to finish it on time. (2)表示允许: You can go now. Can I use your bike? (3)表示推测: Who can it be? It can’t be true. can 表示猜测或怀疑只用于疑问句及否定句中。 2). could (1)can 的过去式,表示过去有能力及过去的可能性。 He couldn’t climb up the mountain. The news...