北京汇文中学初三总复习资料 中考英语大纲词汇 1 6 0 0 1 A a ability able about above abroad absent accent accept accident ache achieve across act action active activity add address advantage advertisement advice advise afford afraid after afternoon again against age ago agree agreement air airline airplane airport alive all allow almost alone along aloud already also although always America American among ancient and angry animal another answer ant any anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere appear apple April area arm army around arrive art article as Asia Asian ask asleep at Atlantic attention August aunt Australia Australian autumn available avoid awake away B baby back background bad bag ball balloon bamboo banana bank baseball basic basket basketball bathroom be beach bear beat beautiful because become bed bedroom bee beef before begin behaviour behind believe bell below beside besides between beyond big bike bill bird birth birthday biscuit bit bitter black blackboard blind blood blow blue board boat body book boring born borrow boss both bottle bottom bowl box boy brain brave bread break breakfast breath breathe bridge bright bring brother brown brush build building burn bus business busy but butter butterfly buy 北京汇文中学初三总复习资料 中考英语大纲词汇 1 6 0 0 2 by bye C cabbage cake call camel camera camp can Canada cancel candle cancer candy cap capital captain car card care careful careless carry cat catch cause CD CD-ROM ceiling celebrate cent centre century certain chair chairman/woman chalk chance change chant cheap cheat check cheer cheese chemistry chess chest chicken child China Chinese chocolate choice choose chopsticks Christmas church cinema circle city clap class classmate classroom c...